Thank you for considering donating to KC MOmentum Synchronized Skating Team! We have two different ways for you to donate:

KC MOmentum General Sponsor:
Pewter Level—less than $150 (Business name printed on local competition ad)
Bronze Level—$150-299 (Pewter Level and logo on team shirts) 
Silver Level—$300-$499 (Bronze Level and logo on banner and website)
Gold level—$500-$999 (Silver Level and 4 VIP tickets to home competition/show)
Platinum—$1000 or more (Gold level and 6 VIP tickets to all skating shows/competitions at Line Creek Ice Arena).

Individual Skater Donations: 
These will go directly to the skater of your choice's fundraising credit.  Please write "Skater's Name—Fundraising" in the message on PayPal! 



Contact [email protected] for more information.